The future in our palm

“When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole………and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.”
1926: Nikola Tesla in an interview with Colliers magazine

IoT What?
Have you ever wondered where your glasses are, where your phone is. Yeah, we’ve all been there. Losing stuff all the time. searching all the way.So the scientists have gathered to come up with solution for keeping things at the tip of our hand. By attaching sensors and chips.So that we never lose a single thing we own.
You know, the lightbulb on the kitchen that we wanted to control with our smartphone, then the door that we wanted to lock with our phone.The smart home speaker named Alexa. These are all examples of IOT !
Now lets get to how it works. Well not to talk technically, it’s like controlling them with internet. Yes ! The very own internet that we use in order to stay connected with our friends.So it also have the capability to connect with other devices too! like the door, the fridge, the coffee machine, etc. So that you don’t have to physically go there and press buttons.

So how does it work?
Simple! It just contains a sensor. Any sensor would do. Motion sensor,light sensor,moisture sensor,temperature sensor, etc. They are then connected with other micro-chips. These sensors collect information from its surroundings. When connected to internet, they then passes the information. They have their unique identifiers.Even a heart monitor implant can also be connected. An animal with a biochip transponder can be detected where its going.

IoT in Bangladesh
Initiative of being digital bangladesh, our It firms have also adapted IoT. Grameenphone, DataSoft, and many other IT firms are into IoT production and development sector.Some of them introduced Face ID, Fingerprint Scanner , Smart lock system in their compounds. DataSoft is not only manufacturing these devices, they are exporting on the global market also.

Why it can be dangerous
As all our devices are connected with each other.If hacked one device, it can be risky for the other devices too. On 2016, there was a IoT attack named Mirai. A botnet that hacked a server provider Dyn and took over many websites. So it attacked all the devices connected with the server too.
How to prevent it?
Well its not really stoppable but we can reduce the effect of it. By giving them each a different password. Providing personal information carefully. Not connecting with social media accounts unless really necessary. Turn on verification system via mobile phone.
Coca-Cola !
Surprisingly, the first IoT device was a Coca-Cola vending machine situated at the Carnegie Melon University ! The programmers there integrated micro-switches and used an early form of the internet to check if the device was keeping the drinks cold enough. Since then a lot of work has been done and it improved. Later In 1990, John Romkey connected a toaster to the internet.Since then it is a blooming field.

Why you should use it?
It’s application is limitless. You can add it in your hospital machines, you can add the devices to your smart home. You can add them on your car. You can add them on your agriculture. I can not even imagine the future without IoT devices!
If you own a business, you can easily keep track of all your devices on real time and monitor overall process.
To save Time and money .
To Increase employee productivity
To improve the business model.
To take better decisions in the future.
To create more revenue

Thoughts on it
The technology have always been a little scary and a fun thing. From the dark web to tik tok videos, to playing games to keeping tracks of Covid-19 patients count. It have always been very helpful. I cannot stress enough how i use google on daily basis. We can not stop the revolution but we can make it better, by using it wisely and carefully. Not using them to do illegal works but work to improve our future. Hopefully this IoT will bring a new era of tech that’s both healthy and safe. Here’s to a new Future!

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